What would Christmas be without all the sweets and delicious desserts? Whether it’s a cake, a cookie or a candy, every country has its own traditional treat for the holiday season. We’re sure you consider your country’s Christmas sweets the best in the world, but the wide selection of appealing desserts in the list below might change your mind. » Read more: Traditional Christmas Sweets from Around the World

What better way to get into the end of the year holiday mood than visiting a Christmas market? You get to taste some delicious holiday treats, catch up on your presents buying and generally enjoy the magical atmosphere with decorations and carols. Christmas markets are also a great pretext to visit a foreign country and
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• The name of the month of November comes from the Latin “novem”, meaning “nine”, because in the Roman calendar November was the ninth month of the year out of a total of ten months. With the adding of January and February at the beginning of the calendar after the Julian calendar reform, November became the
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Year after year, we celebrate Halloween with costume parties, trick-or-treating and spooky decorations around the house, but did you ever wonder where all this comes from and how Halloween started in the first place? How it all started It is believed that the origins of Halloween can be found in the pre-Christian Celtic festival of
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We all become nostalgic in the autumn season and tend to miss our loved ones back home. With our special fall 16% discount at phone cards and NobelApp credit, you can talk more with your family members and friends abroad. All you have to do is to use the special promo code NOBELCOM16 at
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